Carnegie Mellon Admission Council
Share Your Tartan Pride

Talk Tartan with future Carnegie Mellon University students.
As an alumnus, you have an important perspective on what it's like to be a student at Carnegie Mellon. We invite you to share your enthusiasm for all things Tartan by joining the Carnegie Mellon Admission Council (CMAC), a group of volunteer alumni who work to support the Office of Admission's recruitment efforts.
Review the Carnegie Mellon Admission Council (CMAC) Principles of Good Practice (PDF) prior to submitting your membership form.
Complete the CMAC New Member Form to join our efforts for the 2023-2024 admission cycle.
Already a member? Renew or update your membership.
Get Involved
Connect with Admitted Students
CMAC members will be invited to participate in the Office of Admission’s recruitment of admitted students in the month of April. These admitted students are excited to hear more about your Carnegie Mellon experience and what it's really like to be a Tartan. If you choose to connect with admitted students, you'll be assigned a small number of students who'll receive your email address. After they reach out initially, you can continue to correspond via email or set up time to talk via phone or Zoom if both you and the admitted student are willing.
Our office travels to cities across the country throughout the summer and fall to present our information session to families in their local area.
We welcome CMAC members to join us in wlecoming families and answering questions from prospective students at our sessions in your local area. You're also welcome (but not expected) to stay and participate in our Q&A at the end of the session.
If you're interested in attending, we will send information about sessions and the cities we'll be visiting 1-2 months prior to the start of our travels.
Other Opportunities
As the Office of Admission continues to evolve our strategy for recruiting students, we may be in contact about other volunteer opportunities for CMAC members.
Member Resources
As you're talking to prospective students, you may find the following resources helpful. If you're in need of additional resources, please contact our office for more information.